Kids Chess + Coding -Strategic Beginning to Master the Ends

Chess + Coding are critical skills in math and computer science. USA, Veteran Owned Business

Chess + Coding are critical skills in math and computer science. USA, Veteran Owned Business

Online Chess Lessons

10 Weeks Online Chess Lessons

Week 1 - Why we lose our chess games

  1.  Understanding the 64 squares.
  2. How The Pieces Move
  3. The Value of the Pieces
  4. Notation
  5. Short + Long Castle
  6. En passant
  7. Questions
  8. How to set-up the pieces
Bishop chess piece meaning

Week 2 - Be Bold, Capture Hanging Pieces

  1.  Answer Questions from last week.
  2. What is Check
  3. What is Checkmate
  4. Quick Mobility, development, is the KEY
  5. Protect your King early
  6. What is the Center
  7. How to develop board vision
What is a check in chess

Week 3 - Learn to Hunt The King

  1.  The Four Move Checkmate
  2. The Two Move Checkmate
  3. How to checkmate with two Rooks vs. King
  4. How to checkmate with one Rook vs. King.  
  5. Question from last week.
Rook and King checkmate

Week 4 - Secret Pawn + Piece Formation

  1.  Center Control + Wing Attack on Center
  2. How to keep Control of the Center and when to abandon the Center.
  3. How to Checkmate with Queen vs. King
  4.  Play friendly matches online.
What is checkmate in chess

Week 5 - Take the initiative - aim for the knock out blow

  1.  What is a weak square
  2. How to attack a weak square
  3. How to pressure your opponent
  4. Play friendly matches online.
Darked squared bishop

Week 6 - Amazing Board Vision

  1.  Three easy steps to improve board vision
  2. Give them Nothing. Protect all your material.
  3. More on Weak Squares and how to attack.
  4. Play friendly matches online.
chess wayward Queen attack

Week 7 - Learn the ingredients of an Attack

  1.  How to Attack The Castle King
  2. Bishop h7 sacrifice – examples
  3. More on Board Vision
  4. Play friendly match online
chess piece movement in diagram

Week 8 - Tactical Motif

  1.  Skewer – The sneaky one.
  2. Pins – Absolute + Relative
  3. Double Attacks
  4. Discovered Attacks
  5. Play friendly game online
Rook move in chess

Week 9 - Blistering Attack on The Castle King - g7

  1.  Double Bishop Sacrifice
  2. Sacrifice on g7
  3. Cutting off Escape Squares from The King
  4. Solve Puzzles
  5. Questions
Rook chess movement

Final Week 10 - Review

Questions on prior weeks and play online.

We hope you enjoyed our ten weeks together, and we look forward to helping you advance your chess skills further.  Please subscribe to our Youtube channel.

The Black Chess Authority

We would love to interact with you on our Facebook page to find interesting topics and our next chess class.

Black Homeschool Facebook Page